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Scouting Ministry

Manchester UMC’s Scouting Ministry provides Scouting Medal opportunities. If you are looking to learn more about general Scouting Ministry information at Manchester UMC, please complete the form below.

Scouting Ministry Classes

God and Me
Cub and Brownie Scouts
Grade 1 to 3

Please check back on this website for future class offerings.

God and Family Medal

God and Family
Webelos and Cadet Scouts
Grade 4 & 5

Please check back on this website for future class offerings.

God and Church Medal

God and Church
Boy & Girl Scouts
Grade 6 to 8

Please check back on this website for future class offerings.

God and life Medal

God and Life
Senior Scouts I
Grade 9 to 12

Please check back on this website for future class offerings.

Boy Scout Troop #801

Please Note: Please see Troop information below for further details.

Boy Scout Troop 801 is a unit within the Greater St. Louis Area Council. We are chartered by and are a mission of Manchester United Methodist Church. Our purpose is to develop boy leadership skills through scouting principles represented by the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan, and Outdoor Code. We are an active troop with monthly camp outs during the school year and a one week camp each summer. We have High Adventure Camping Trips every few years based on the number of eligible boys (generally 14yrs+).

Our regular meetings are the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month while Parkway School District is in session (August-May) from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Old Fellowship Hall at MUMC. 3rd Thursday’s are reserved for a fun “Activity” meeting. Depending on the activity, both the date and location might change. If you’re planning to visit us that night, please contact us for details beforehand.

The troop conducts monthly campouts/events where scouts have the opportunity to participate in activities for rank advancement, practice teamwork skills in patrols, and participate in some special activities. While a Scout may not be able to attend every monthly campout; camping is a significant part of Scouting and is required for advancement, among other things, such as admission to the Order of the Arrow (Scouting’s ‘honor society’), as well as merit badge completion.

Summer camp is normally held in District (@ S-F Scout Ranch, Lewallen, etc), which are Greater St. Louis Area Council camp properties. Every third year, we choose a BSA camp which is outside of our Council to offer variety for our scouts.

Want to learn more about our Scouting Ministry?

Please complete one form per child/youth.

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