There are many ways to be a leader for the Manchester Youth. We have two teams that meet on Wednesday nights and they are open to all youth. Team members learn valuable leadership skills while they plan and implement important aspects of Manchester Youth programming.
event planning team

Who: 6-12 graders
Day: Alternating Wednesdays
Time: 7:45-8:45 p
Where: Youth Center
The Event Planning Team meets every other week on Wednesday evenings to plan some major youth events, the biggest of which is our fundraiser Night at the Bistro.
Youth will be responsible for generating creative ideas as well as implementing them before and during the events. There will be some work required outside of meeting times. Youth will also engage in scripture and learn what it means to be in church leadership while putting those skills into practice with adult supervision and mentoring. If you are organized, enjoy planning, and have great ideas you want to see come to life, this is the group for you.
hospitality team

Who: 6-12 graders
Day: Jan 29, Feb12 , Mar 12 , Apr 16
Time: 12:15-2:00p
Where: Youth Center
Members of this team will be a welcoming presence to new members at youth gatherings and will assist the director in following up and helping new youth get connected. Monthly meetings will focus on education, training, and finding new and better ways to complete our mission
yac (youth advisor council)

Who: 6-12 graders
Day: Alternating Wednesdays
Time: 7:45-8:45 p.m.
Where: Youth Center
Members of this team MUST be very active in other youth programs. Members direct Beth regarding the overall vision and direction of Manchester Youth. They will also make occasional promotional vides and oversee any additional evangelism techniques.