youth sunday mornings
Come hang out with us on Sundays!
Manchester Youth offer a variety of Sunday morning programming during the 9 & 11a worship services as well as the times. Check out out that we have to offer.

Sunday Squad
Youth (6th - 12th grade) are invited to join in the Youth Center at 9 and 11a on Sunday mornings. Youth will eat breakfast snacks, play games, and listen to/discuss a modified version of the pastor's sermon.

Worship Kits
Youth Worship Kits are available at both services in the lobby on Sunday mornings. Kits include materials to help youth better understand the service components, the sermon, stay focused, and stay engaged. They also include a family discussion guide that parents can use to continue the conversation at home.

High School Small Groups
Small groups are an opportunity for high school youth to deepen their faith and their relationships with others. Small groups focus on caring for each other while learning faith essentials.

Worship Team
NEW THIS YEAR. On the first Sunday of every month, Sunday Squad is canceled and youth are encouraged to serve in various ministries of the church. Click here to explore the many amazing service opportunities available.

Worship Team
Open to everyone who has an interest in singing! No audition or previous choral experience is necessary. This choir sings in Sunday morning worship services on a regular basis, in addition to other performances within the community.
Manchester youth full calendar
Week 3
- Sun 23
- Mon 24
- Tue 25
- Wed 26
- Thu 27
- Fri 28
- Sat 1
- Sun 2
- Mon 3
- Tue 4
- Wed 5
- Thu 6
- Fri 7
- Sat 8
- Sun 9
- Mon 10
- Tue 11
- Wed 12
- Thu 13
- Fri 14
- Sat 15
- Sun 16
- Mon 17
- Tue 18
- Wed 19
- Thu 20
- Fri 21
- Sat 22
- Sun 23
- Mon 24
- Tue 25
- Wed 26
- Thu 27
- Fri 28
- Sat 29
- Sun 30
- Mon 31
- Tue 1
- Wed 2
- Thu 3
- Fri 4
- Sat 5
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Important Forms and Documents
In order to participate in Manchester Youth, we encourage you to fill out the forms and register below. Important emergency contact and health information forms are also needed to keep your child safe.