On-Site Missions
Explore Missional Opportunities
Manchester UMC is a church that strives to follow our scriptural calling to serve God by serving our neighbor. Putting our faith into action is a core value that we seek to live out by helping those who are vulnerable and struggling among us. This happens through a variety of missional programs and activities that we plan ourselves and/or partner with others in order to make a positive impact in our community.
Regardless of your age, ability, or experience, we host several on-going opportunities on-site for you to put faith and love into action by becoming the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in our communities, nation, and world.
Off-site missions
If you’re ready to jump into an opportunity to serve others in the greater St. Louis area or beyond, explore these missional opportunities!

Early Response Team
The Early Response team, in partnership with The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), provide first response to natural disasters. Of-site. All Ages.

Epworth Children & Family Services
Epworth is a United Methodist-related community nonprofit with the mission of helping children, youth and families move toward self-sufficiency by focusing on health, housing, education and employment. Off-site. All Ages

Habitat for Humanity
Manchester UMC has been building homes with Habitat for Humanity St Louis since 1997 and is recognized as a Keystone Community Partner. Manchester UMC volunteers have worked alongside families on many of the 400 Habitat for Humanity homes built in the city and county.

HomeFirst STL
Everyone deserves a safe home of their own. HomeFirst STL helps people transition out of homelessness and into a hope-filled future.

LifeWise StL
Through holistic programs and services, LifeWise STL (formerly Kingdom House) helps the economically disadvantaged achieve economic independence, self-sufficiency and a path out of poverty. Off-site. All Ages.

Literacy Project
Manchester UMC has partnered with The Gathering, to combine our resources for this ministry. The Literacy Project pairs volunteer reading mentors with kindergarten and first grade students at schools in the St. Louis Public Schools and the Normandy Schools Collaborative. Off-site. Adults.

Mozambique Initiative
Since 1998, Manchester UMC has joined the Missouri Conference of the UMC in building relationships with villages and United Methodist churches in the Massinga District of Mozambique. Recently, the a portion of the Easter 2022 Offering was awarded to the Mozambique Ministry in support of the Pastor Parsonage Solar Power Project.

Small Home Repairs
Small Home Repairs is a new ministry at Manchester UMC. Volunteers go to residential homes in the Manchester area to do basic repairs, like replace smoke detector batteries or light bults, etc. Off-site. All Ages.

Feed The Need STL
Each April, the Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack has had a hands on serving experience at Queeny Park. Multiple shifts were available on various days. Advanced registration is required. Participants must at least 5 years old.
The 2024 Feed The Need STL event, from April 10-14 at Queeny Park, had 4,571 volunteers who made 5,656 boxes which made 1,221, 696 meals.
donate to missions

As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) responds to natural or civil disasters of such magnitude that they overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on its own. Through UMCOR, United Methodists extend loving care to people throughout the world.