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What’s the point of the Sabbath?
Dear Friends at Manchester UMC, I was the supervisor of United Methodist churches in the St. Louis area for eight years. In that capacity,

Venom: Jesus & Nicodemus
It seemed like every televised football game in the 1970s had a huge banner displayed in the stands near the end-zone with “John 3:16”

Ascension Sunday
Dear Friends at Manchester UMC, Unfortunately, the surrounding culture has taken some of Christianity’s best stuff. This reality is mostly for commercial gain. We don’t

Have you ever felt like this?
by Rev. Andy Blacksher, Executive Pastor Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, Zebedee’s sons, and two other disciples were together. Simon Peter

Borrowed Rooms
On Maundy Thursday, we reflected on rooms that were important to us as we grew up. We thought about the rooms we had as children,