Children’s 9a Sunday School
Ages: 2 Years Old by Aug. 1 – 5th Grade
Time: 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Location: Lower Level | Manchester UMC
Sunday School is a place for ALL children to learn the story of God’s love, connect their own experience to the Biblical stories, and to find a place to belong. Our Sunday school team presents fun and engaging age appropriate curriculum for our 2 years old through 5th grade classes.
Our Sunday School team is delighted to welcome children ages 2 years old through 5th grade in Manchester UMC’s Children’s Area which is located in the lower level for Sunday school during the 9 am worship service.
Music experiences are presented each week by the Director of Children’s Music and Drama, Emily Pikaard.
To make sure we have your child’s information and the parent or guardian’s contact information, please complete the registration form below.