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2023 Discipleship Promise

pentacost sunday, may 28

Renew Your Promise

Manchester UMC invites you to renew your Discipleship Promise on Pentecost Sunday, May 28, at 9 & 11a!

Download the Discipleship Promise Card

United Methodist membership vows include promising to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. This card is intended to be a way to offer these promises to God.


The Discipleship Promise card is for you. No one will see it except for you and God! Each of the five promises has quantifiable options you can choose, to help make your vows tangible. In this way, we bring faith alive in embodied and meaningful ways.

Next, after filling it out, keep it. It’s all yours! Keep it in a visible spot (on the fridge, in your purse or backpack, near your workspace) so that you will see it often and be reminded of the promises you have made.

Then, periodically throughout the year (approximately every four months) we will renew our promises together in worship. That will give each of us the opportunity to make changes as needed, and also include those who were not present for the previous renewal weekend.


Some may feel more accountability by turning their card in. If you do not have a group or individual already in place, please contact the church office at 636.394.7506 to speak with a pastor. We will gladly find someone to help keep you on track!


Manchester UMC is an inclusive community of people who love Christ deeply, worship him passionately, and serve him boldly. The discipleship promises we make – prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness – are collectively how we make a difference for Christ by transforming church and community.

If you would like more information on the Discipleship Promise card, you may contact Rev. Andy Bryan by emailing [email protected].
