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Sunday Mornings for Children

welcome Children & Families!

Sundays at Manchester UMC offer several different ways for the children of God and their families to grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible as they experience God with each other. Our staff and dedicated volunteers are called to make sure our children and families always feel welcome, safe and cared for by adults who model God’s love. We invite you to join us as we play and work each week to grow deeper in our learning together.

9a Sunday School

6 weeks to 2 years
Sunday School
2 Years Old (by Aug 1) - 5th Grade
Family Worship Weekends
Worship Kits
Available in the Lobby
Adults and Youth Needed
2 Year Olds - 5th Grade

11a Options

6 weeks - 2nd Grade
2 Years Old - 5th Grade
Family Worship Weekends
Worship Kits
Available in the Lobby
Adults and Youth Needed

Upcoming Events!

Join the Manchester UMC Children & Families Facebook page for updates and the latest news.


Children & family Ministry


Nursery care will be available during the 9a and 11a worship services.

Children 6 weeks through 2 years old are always welcome in the nursery.

When Sunday School is not available (weekly during the 11a service and on Family Worship Weekends) the nursery service will be expanded to include all children 6 weeks through second grade.


Children & family Ministry

Sunday School

Ages:  2 Years Old by Aug. 1 – 5th Grade
Time:  9:00-10:00 a
Location:  Lower Level | Manchester UMC

Sunday School is a place for ALL children to learn the story of God’s love, connect their own experience to the Biblical stories, and to find a place to belong.  Our Sunday school team presents fun and  engaging age appropriate curriculum for our 2 years old through 5th grade classes.

Register today!

Worship in Sanctuary

Children & family Ministry

Family Worship Weekends

Family Worship Weekends provide an opportunity for families to worship together at either the 9 or 11a worship services. It is not only important for our friends to be in Sunday school, but to also understand how to worship and be in the sanctuary space. Learning together, families can discover more about the many different components of worship, liturgical seasons of the church, and share in their understanding and/or questions from the sermon.

To help encourage your child’s growth in worship, Worship Kits have been prepared for Sunday morning worship.  These materials are for ages 2-years-old through 5th grade. PRAYground is also available during worship.

To learn the dates for the Family Worship Weekends, CLICK HERE

Colored Pencils for Worship Kits 43

Children & family Ministry

Worship Kits

Ages:  2 Year Olds – Youth
Time:  9:00-10:00 a.m. OR 11a-Noon
Location:  Lobby | Manchester UMC

Worship Kits are available at both 9a and 11a worship services in the lobby on Sunday mornings.

Kits include materials to help youth better understand the service components, the sermon, stay focused, and stay engaged. 

Children & family Ministry

Volunteers Needed

Manchester UMC’s Children & Family Ministries is looking for those adults and youth who are interested in serving with children ages 6 weeks – 5th grade.

Children are the future of the church, so let’s join together and help them have fun diving deeper as they learn about God and God’s unconditional love for all.

Please prayerfully consider serving in one or more of these Children and Family Ministry opportunities at Manchester UMC and click on the “Learn More” button.

PRAYground 4x3

Children & family Ministry


Ages:  2 Years Old  – 5th Grade
Time:  During 9a & 11a Worship
Location:  Fellowship Hall or Sanctuary | Manchester UMC

PRAYground is available at both the 9 and 11 a worship services.  It is designed to allow children to participate in quiet play while still engaging in the worship service as they choose. Explore what’s in the drawers and on the table. 

Parents are asked to sit within sight and sound of the PRAYground so they are available if their children need attention.