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The vision for Modern Worship is to honor God by building up a community of people who desire to authentically live life in a way that elevates God, embraces others, and grows us closer to the heart of Christ. In Modern Worship, we worship using contemporary language and teaching, modern music styles, with various art and media to tell the story of God in fresh and engaging ways that captivate our hearts and build up the Body of Christ.

The Modern Worship Band includes both singers and instrumentalists who provide music for our 9:00a modern worship services. The band contains a basic rhythm section of drums, bass, guitar, and keyboards. Other instruments are added as available.

Manchester Modern Worship is on Facebook! Check us out for weekly updates on songs, playlists, and other items related to Modern Worship at Manchester UMC. Anyone is welcome to join the group.

musicians wanted

The Modern Worship team is looking for new musicians, especially drummers, guitarists, and keyboard players! Our vocalists are baritones to sopranos who are experienced in singing contemporary styles. All are welcome to audition, and new members are added as the need arises. Interested adults and youth (age 14+) are invited to fill out the form below and we will contact you to schedule an audition.                          

