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The Lords Prayer Book

Making Disciples

Date:  Tuesdays through May 14, 2024
Time:  9:30-10:30 a.m.
Format:  Online Only
Zoom ID#:  314 779 879   Passcode: 697261
Leader:  Rev. Nancy Wilson

We always welcome newcomers to our fun Bible study group!

From April 2 to May 14, the Making Disciples group will be studying Rev. Adam Hamilton’s book, The Lord’s Prayer.

Description:  Most Christians know the Lord’s Prayer by heart. We pray it often, at different times and in different settings. We remember it as the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. But do we really understand and appreciate the meaning and power of its words, what we ask of God each time we pray it?

When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, Jesus gave them this prayer. He likely taught it to his followers often, not just one time. He never intended the Lord’s Prayer to be a museum piece, framed and placed on a mantel or in a display case. It was Jesus teaching God’s people, through his disciples, how to pray.

Books available at the Information Center on Sunday mornings or by emailing Tiffany Conway.

Newcomers are always welcome!

Please complete one registration form per person:


May 14 2024


9:30 am - 10:30 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Singapore
  • Date: May 14 2024
  • Time: 10:30 pm - 11:30 pm


Rev. Nancy Wilson